Feast of the Foundress of the Daughters of Mary help of Christians(FMA)

 Today on the occasion of the feast of the Foundress of the Daughters of Mary help of Christians(FMA), we at Auxilium had a celebration...with students in the morning commencing with a prayer moment and a short film on Mary Mazzarello's life, followed by an item by students...'An interview with the saint'.. they went a step further and approaching each sister in the community, posed the question " What does St Mary Mazzarello mean to you?" Here is a sharing of their sentiments
Our Animator Sr Joanita said that Mary Mazzarello was a mother to her who walked the same path as her...A woman ahead of her times...a symbol of humility. What is most admired in her is how she made Holiness so easy to achieve through her simple daily living.

Sr. Hilda spontaneously replied, "Mother Mazzarello is an inspiration to me. I love her simplicity, her deep connect with God which helped unite her with others and brought about bonding in the community. God alone was her strength and source of Light. In Humility, Docility and Obedience, she followed the teachings of Don Bosco because of whom we sisters are here today"

Sr. Celine, our headmistress had this to say" She is a soul led by the Holy Spirit. I am impressed by her humble and friendly approach towards problematic girls whose hearts she won over with her love towards them. Her prayer life was strong and so also was she hardworking...She inspires me each day"

Sr. Marietta with a sweet smile on her face said, "She is an example to follow, who lived each moment with love for Jesus and wanted to do the sane for the whole world. Simple and humble, she taught the girls under her care ' to make every stitch an act of love for God's her then softly added..."I try my best to imitate her"

Sr. Inez emphatically replied," Mary Mazzarello is my Spiritual Mother.. she is my comfort, my consolation and even works miracles for me"

Sr Priscilla enthusiastically said," I am her daughter and am walking in her footsteps to sanctity"

To Sr Melusina ,Mary Mazzarello is a model and mother. She added," The best thing I like about her is her way of following Christ. Pointing to the Cross she wore around her neck, Mary Mazzarello would say' My Crucified Christ is here on one side and I am here on the other side'
This has made a lasting impression on my life"

Sr Sabina had this to say, "She is our Mother and Co-foundress of the Salesian Congregation. I am here to imitate her and follow in her footsteps. I love her prayerful spirit which led her to live in union with God".

Sr. Melissa joyfully said, "Mary Mazzarello is a mother, model and guide to me. She is a woman for all tines.. an inspiration for me in my mission with the children in school"


  1. Wow! So beautiful. Happy Feast to you and to our young people.


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